Saturday, November 17, 2012

Our Homeschool Room 2012-1013

Our setup has changed a bit this year so I thought I would share what our room looks like now. I did not go to any great lengths to clean, this is a real life, well used room where we keep all of our school stuff. Not all learning happens in this room, but it sure is nice to have this space to keep most of it in!

A couple of years ago my wonderful brother came and turned a whole wall into bookshelves. It is full!

Baskets on the floor house library books, learning games, things to keep the toddler busy, etc.


This is our listening area. We have many books on tape that I found at the thrift store for 10 cents each! We have some audiobooks on CD as well.

The bins to the right contain more things to keep the toddler busy. Random things get crammed in there pretty often too.


Here you see my printer / copier on top of a nice plastic container with drawers full of wooden blocks and train pieces. Because we try to keep this floor cleaned up in here they have room to play with them and we keep them confined to one room.

The clear boxes on the right used to be workboxes. Although I love the concept I am not nearly organized enough to use them that way. Each kid has a row of their own boxes to keep their own special things in. It makes for great storage!


Sorry about the glaring window photo here! This is where my 6 year old does her 1st grade work. Any time she is working on schoolwork my 3 year old thinks she has to "do school" too, so there is room for them both at this table. They each have a little box to keep their crayons, scissors and markers in. They get a plant on their table too since it's in front of the window.


More storage here. This cabinet was being thrown out by neighbors who were moving. It has been such a blessing! We miss those neighbors too, I think of them every day when I see it.  The file cabinet has been around for 20+ years now. It still hold drawings and special projects from my oldest children who are now adults. Sniff!


I moved the 8 and 9 year old to a bigger table this year. They are growing entirely too fast! The map on the wall helps them with the geography we are learning this year. They each have boxes for their school supplies too. It has been so handy having everything at arms reach on the table. There is less fighting too, that's always a plus!

The cart to the right holds all of our paper for printing and artwork, plus laminating sheets, extra pens and pencils and other art supplies. They call it the "art cart". On top is my teacher box where they can put anything that I need to see or check for them. I no longer have a desk in the room, which has been strange but it took up too much space so it had to go!


So this is what is working for us this year. In the middle of the room is just space. Room to read, dance, build, do somersaults, whatever! A nice plush rug makes the room complete.

Thanks for visiting us! We wish you a happy homeschool year!

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