Apologia has so many great science topics to choose from in their Young Explorer Series, it was hard to pick just one. The kids decided they wanted to learn all about the human body using Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology. I had no idea they had an interest in anatomy, I love it when they surprise me like that!
Our package included the Student Text along with the MP3 Audio CD , and an Anatomy Notebooking Journal (grades 3-6) for my 9 year old. We purchased an extra Junior Anatomy Notebooking Journal (grades K-3) for my 8 year old as well. The Anatomy and Physiology text was written for grades 4-6, but my 3rd grader is doing a great job of keeping up with this course. I feel like older students would really benefit from this course if they haven't had an Anatomy course before. I have learned a thing or two myself!
I was VERY excited about having the MP3 Audio CD to do the reading for me! We moms do a lot of reading in a day, the thought of listening along with them sounded great! So, the first day I set the kids up with my laptop to listen (we do not own a CD player that plays MP3's) and get started with chapter 1. The text is read by one of the authors, Jeannie Fulbright. Her voice is beautiful and soothing. Listen to a sample here.

At the end of each reading section the child is asked to tell about what they learned. This is the Charlotte Mason method of narration, it helps them cement in their minds what they learn. My kids are not new to this concept, but they couldn't tell me anything about what had just been read that day. I was puzzled. They asked me to read it again so I did, this time they were both able to tell me many things they learned. The next day the same thing happened. I suppose they pay more attention when I read it to them. I was a little bummed that the audio CD wasn't going to work for them, but Im used to doing all the reading anyhow.
The student text is a very high quality hardback book printed in full color. The photos and diagrams are professionally done and compliment the book well. Each science book Apologia publishes has a matching website with extras, the URL and password are located at the beginning of each book. There are also yahoo and facebook groups that offer many additional resources and ideas. Jeannie Fulbright herself is on many of them answering questions. I just love that kind of product support! You can preview the whole first chapter by clicking on the sample on this page.
There are 14 chapters, each about a different system in the body. The chapters are meant to be completed in 2 weeks, but Apologia makes it easy to adjust the schedule to whatever fits your family best. I broke down the reading segments into a little each day instead of 3 days per week as suggested. The kids wanted to have science every day, so we did! The last chapter is about growth and development. I read ahead to see how they dealt with reproduction and it was handled very well, without going into details. They have left this subject for me to handle on my own, and I appreciate that.
The notebooking journals are spiral bound for ease of use. Some of the activities included in the Junior Notebook are coloring pages, copywork for the Bible verses, matching up vocabulary words, a couple of puzzles, and pages to draw pictures of experiments or other things the child finds interesting and write a sentence or two if they like. The Regular Notebook does not contain coloring pages, but has many more puzzles, and more pages to write and draw on. If your child dislikes writing, the junior notebook may be the better choice. Jeannie does make it clear in the beginning though that not every page is expected to be completed. She encourages us to use the pages that will make learning fun for our kids. You have to do what is right for your individual child, and that can vary widely.
My 9 year old hates crossword puzzles, my 8 year old loves them, so she does those in his notebook. My 6 year old doesn't write yet but loves listening in and coloring in her sisters' junior journal. It isn't necessary to have a notebooking journal to use the Anatomy book, instructions are given in the text for creating your own notebook at home. I have found them VERY helpful to have! Using them makes my job easier and will also make my job of putting together a portfolio of work at the end of the year easier.
See a sample page of the Anatomy Notebooking Journal and Junior Notebooking Journal.
Journal activities.....

This page in my daughter's Junior Journal cracks me up every time I read it!
Making edible cells.....I sure wish I had learned about cells this way!
The thing I love best about Apologia Science is each topic, no matter which one you choose, is presented from a biblical worldview, teaching Creation by the one true God, and expounding upon the wondrous ways He created this world and everything in it. The experiments and activities use easy to obtain supplies and the kids (ok me too!) enjoy doing them. We learn from them in ways that stick in your mind. The journal activities add so much to the learning experience. My kids ask to do Anatomy first thing every day, they even chose it over art once!
You can purchase everything on the Apologia website. The Exploring Human Anatomy and Physiology Text is $39.00. The Notebooking Journals are $24.00 each for either the Junior or Regular edition. The MP3 Audio CD is $39.00.
Other Crew members reviewed different books in the Young Explorer Series, check out their reviews by clicking the banner below!

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.
Wonderful review! Really solid details and precious photos! Thanks so much!