Friday, January 31, 2014

Random 5 On Friday ~ January 31st 2014

The Pebble Pond

 1. The ice and snow have about all melted, I may actually get to go to church on Sunday! Im looking forward to that, our pastor is back and his messages are always so good.

2. My baby turned 5 on Wednesday. I had a day planned full of fun with her but the snow stopped it. Will have to do it another day soon. Her first birthday party is on Saturday, every year it gets cancelled because of the weather, it looks like she may finally get one.

3. I miss my grown kids so much. All of them are carless and cant travel to come visit. It isnt exactly easy to load up 5 kids and go see them either. I do it sometimes, but it isnt easy, and it takes so much out of the budget to travel and feed them. Its just hard :(

4. I expected to hear something this week about the impending homestudy. I guess the weather has them behind as well. Its OK, it will happen in Gods perfect timing. Im just waiting.....

5. I drove out to take my husband dinner while the snow was pouring in below freezing temperatures. The road looked like it was covered in tiny sparkling diamonds! I wish I could have captured that on camera, it was truly beautiful. Im thankful it wasnt very slick that night!

1 comment:

  1. I have not made it to church since the new year. I miss it! I am so glad that my oldest is living at home while attending university. The next one wants to live on campus and I know I will miss her so very much!


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