Tuesday, January 3, 2012

8 Weeks to Real Foods Course ~ FREE!


Our family has been making gradual changes towards a real food diet for many months now. I have had many people ask exactly what we changed and how it all works, and I have tried to give advice but I feel like I dont do a very good job of explaining it all. Id like to share with you a FREE 8 week real foods course being offered by Vintage Remedies.

I reviewed one of their books through the TOS Crew, Vintage Remedies 4 Girls, in December. I highly recommend this book for teaching your children, but if you would like to start some changes for yourself first this course is for you! And you cannot beat the price!

Every week you will receive a new email with changes you can make to gradually switch over to healthier eating in your home. Small steps are best! You can implement the changes in one week, two weeks, or longer if needed. If you have already mastered one of the challenges there are even advanced challenges you can work towards.

The first email has already been sent out, but this course is going to be offered year round, so you can join in at any time. What are you waiting for? Sign up now on the Vintage Remedies facebook page.

I am going to try and blog each week about the changes, or challenges we make here in our own home. A friend of mine at Homeschool Tweet is hosting a linky also if you would like to join in blogging with us.

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